Monday, October 28, 2013

2nd crazzy rant

Both of the organisms in these photos move. The Nemotode moves like a worm however the Philodina for the most part stays straight when it moves but its mouth is what is unique. (Rainis P. 188/ P. 230) The Philodina mouth has little rotors that spin and suck in its prey/food. Both or these organisms appear to be multicellular non-green organisms. Both organisms appear to be hanging out in about the middle of the aquarium and prefer to be on or near the plants. It appears that there are numerous amounts of each of these organisms in my aquarium. The only change that I know of so far is that Dr. Mcfarland has added Beta food pellet to my aquarium. Also I believe that the number of organisms have increased in the aquarium. I did not observe any dead organisms or debris in the bottom of the aquarium. Rainis K.and Russell B. 1996. Guide to micro life. Connecticut. F. Watts. P. 188 P. 230 McFarland, Kenneth [Internet] Botany 111 Fall 2013. [cited 28 Oct 2013]. Available from

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